
How To Remove Liquid Latex From Nail Brushes

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No matter what kind of paint you lot're using, cleaning the paint out of your brushes is of import for keeping them in good status. Since latex paint is water-based, you can remove it from your brush before information technology hardens with a fiddling soap and h2o.[ane] If you've allowed the paint to dry out in your brush, a solvent-based brush cleaner can do the trick.

  1. one

    Scrape any excess paint off of the brush. Before you wash your brush, wipe the bristles on the inner rim of the open pigment can a few times to scrape off as much paint as possible. Brand certain you scrape both sides of the brush.[ii]

    • Scraping off equally much paint every bit possible will make the cleaning process faster and easier.
  2. 2

    Wipe the brush with a piece of paper. Once you've scraped off as much paint equally you tin can, wipe the brush off on some newspaper. This will help remove whatsoever remaining wet rest that didn't come off when yous scraped the brush.[3]

    • Go along wiping the brush on the paper until it stops leaving marks.


  3. 3

    Make full a saucepan with warm, soapy water. A mild dish detergent is ideal for this purpose. After filling a bucket with warm water, add a few drops of the detergent and mix it in.[iv]

    • Alternatively, you can wash your castor in a sink under warm, running water.[5]
  4. 4

    Work hardened paint out of the bristles with a paintbrush comb. [6] Dip a paintbrush comb in the bucket of soapy water and work the tines through the beard of your brush. This will carve up the beard and loosen paint that is caught in betwixt them.[vii]

    • You can get a paintbrush comb at a hardware, home supply, or art supply store.
    • Some painters prefer to apply a wire brush rather than a paintbrush rummage. Nevertheless, the wires may harm your castor if you practise this frequently.
  5. five

    Curve the bristles with your fingers nether the water. Later working through the bristles with the comb, dip the brush in the bucket and massage it with your paw to remove whatsoever remaining paint.[8] Bend the bristles back and along to help loosen the pigment as you rinse. Go on doing this until the brush looks make clean.

    • If you're rinsing the brush under running water rather than in a saucepan, add together a couple of drops of detergent to the base of the bristles. Keep working the bristles with your fingers until the water runs clear.
  6. six

    Spin the brush to remove water from the bristles. Adhere your castor to a brush spinner and depress the plunger to spin it inside an empty bucket. This will help remove the soapy water and whatever paint residue still remaining in the brush.[9]

    • Yous can buy a brush spinner at a hardware, home, or art supply store.
    • If yous don't have a castor spinner, shake the castor at the height of a bucket to go the excess water out.[11]

    Tip: If your brush has a round handle, y'all can spin information technology by quickly rolling it betwixt your palms with the bristles facing downward. Y'all may need a mechanical spinner if the handle is flat.[10]

  7. 7

    Rinse the brush in clean water. Later on spinning out the brush, place it in some other bucket with make clean h2o and give information technology a rinse. Work the bristles around with your fingers to get out whatsoever remaining paint and soap.[12]

    • You lot can also rinse the castor under running water. Watch to brand sure the h2o runs clear.
  8. eight

    Spin the castor again. After rinsing the brush, give it another spin to dry it out. If y'all call back there may be any stubborn paint remaining in the castor, repeat the rinse and spin process one more fourth dimension.[thirteen]

    • You lot may need to reshape the brush a piddling with your fingers after spinning it.
    • If y'all don't accept a spinner, shake the brush over a saucepan and then gently absorb information technology dry with a clean rag or newspaper.
  9. 9

    Wrap the castor in heavy newspaper to retain its shape. When you're set to put the brush abroad, wrap it upward neatly with some thick parcel paper. Tie the paper in place with a bit of string. This will aid keep the bristles nice and straight.[14]

    • Many brushes come with a encompass over the beard. If you take your brush'south original cover, use that instead of the newspaper.[xv]
    • In retaining its shape, you want to go along all the beard on your brush running in the same direction equally opposed to letting them fray or open up.[16]


  1. 1

    Purchase a solvent-based brush cleaner. If the latex paint has hardened out and dried into your bristles, washing it in soapy water may not be enough. Purchase a solvent-based cleaner, such as Klean Strip Brush Cleaner or Crown Brush Cleaner.[17]

    • Solvent-based cleaners will work for both natural bristle and synthetic brushes, and can remove a wide variety of paint types.
    • In that location are too solvent-free brush cleaners on the market, but some of these are not suitable for natural brushes. Read the label carefully to determine if the cleanser is prophylactic to use on your brush.

    Warning: Solvent-based cleansers are flammable and can create noxious fumes. Ever work in a well-ventilated surface area and away from heaters, stoves, open flames, or anything that can create electrical sparks.[18]

  2. ii

    Identify enough cleaner in a glass jar to cover the bristles. Take a lilliputian of your cleanser and pour information technology into a small jar, such as an empty jelly or pickle jar. Use enough then that the bristles of your brush will be fully submerged.[nineteen]

    • You lot tin can also use a metal coffee can, merely information technology won't be as like shooting fish in a barrel to see what's happening inside the container if you lot practice this.[20]
  3. 3

    Suspend the brush upright in the cleaner. Submerge the bristles in the cleaning solution, just don't let them residue on the bottom of the jar. This volition crusade the beard to get misshapen as they soften. Y'all may need to use a clip or a piece of wire across the top of the jar to suspend your brush.[21]

    • If you're using a coffee tin can, cut a slit in the lid and pull the brush handle through. This will go along your brush upright and suspended.
    • If you're using a coffee tin without a chapeau, you can suspend the castor in the can using a piece of coat hanger wire. Drill a pigsty through the handle of the castor to a higher place the ferule and slide the wire through information technology, then lay the wire across the top of the can with the brush suspended from it.[22]
  4. 4

    Encompass the jar opening with aluminum foil. Once the brush is in the jar, put foil over the opening and effectually the base of the brush handle. This volition keep the cleanser from evaporating while the brush soaks.[23]

    • If you're soaking the castor in a coffee can with the chapeau on, y'all won't need to cover the can with foil.
  5. five

    Allow the brush soak overnight or until the beard soften. The brush will need to soak for several hours in gild to soften the stale-on paint. Leave the jar or can in a well-ventilated surface area overnight, and so check to see if the bristles have become soft. If not, let them continue to soak for a full 24 hours.[24]

    • Depending on how much paint is dried into the brush, it may need to soak for a couple of days.
  6. 6

    Use a paintbrush comb to remove excess paint. Once the beard go soft and pliable, run a paintbrush comb through them. This will separate them and assistance remove the softened pigment buildup.[25]

    • Since the solvent contains harsh chemicals, use gloves while y'all're handling the brush. Durable gloves made of nitrile are the best option for handling most types of brush cleaning solvents.[26]
  7. vii

    Soak the brush for another hr in fresh cleaner. After combing out the softened paint, fill the jar with a fresh batch of brush cleaner. Suspend the brush in the cleaner and embrace the container, and then allow information technology sit down for an hour.[27]

    Warning: E'er dispose of your paint cleaning solution and paint waste properly. You lot can let the paint solids settle, pour off the unused solvent, and reuse it. Allow the jar with the paint waste in it to dry out exterior, then throw it away.

  8. 8

    Work the brush with your hands while rinsing it in castor cleaner. In one case your brush has soaked for an hour, rinse it in the cleaning solution. Massage the bristles with your fingers and curve them dorsum and forth to loosen whatsoever remaining pigment.[28]

    • Make sure to clothing gloves while rinsing your brush in the brush cleaner!
  9. 9

    Wash the brush with warm, soapy water. Take your clean brush and rinse information technology in a solution of warm water and a few drops of a gentle soap. Plainly dish detergent will work well. Gently work the beard with your fingers to get out any remaining paint and solvent.[29]

    • Give the brush a quick rinse in fresh water when you're washed.
  10. ten

    Spin the brush to remove excess water. Put the brush in a brush spinner and spin it once or twice. This volition quickly remove whatsoever water from the bristles and ferule then that your brush can dry out out.[30]

    • If you need to, gently reshape the castor with your fingers later on spinning it.
    • If you don't have a spinner, milkshake the castor over a bucket to get the excess h2o out. You lot can dry it more by gently blotting it with a make clean rag or a piece of newspaper.[31]
  11. 11

    Put heavy paper effectually the beard to preserve their shape. Once your brush is all clean, wrap information technology neatly in some packet newspaper and necktie it loosely with a string. This will help your brush hold its shape and stay in good working order.[32]

    • Alternatively, you tin put the brush's original cover back on if you notwithstanding have it.


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  • Question

    What tools can I use to remove latex pigment from my paintbrushes?

    Patrick Coye

    Patrick Coye is the owner and operator of Patrick's Painting & Home Improvement in Alexandria, Virginia. With over 15 years of experience in residential structure, Patrick specializes in painting, wallpaper removal/installation, drywall, staining decks and fences, and kitchen cabinetry painting. To engagement, Patrick and his team have painted over 2,000 houses and stained over 800 decks. Patrick's Company won a "Superlative Job" award from the American Painting contractor mag in 2020.

    Patrick Coye

    Painting Specialist

    Expert Answer

    You can use a paintbrush rummage or a wire castor. If you accept a lot of paint caked up onto your castor, those tin can be very adept ways of removing any excess paint.

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Saucepan
  • Balmy lather or detergent
  • Paintbrush comb
  • Brush spinner
  • Heavy brown paper
  • Solvent-based castor cleaner
  • Glass jar or coffee can
  • Clip or strong wire
  • Aluminum foil
  • Paintbrush comb
  • Mild soap or detergent
  • Brush spinner
  • Bucket
  • Heavy brown paper

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